
Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Saving the lambs by Kaayla

Saving the lambs

"Baa, baa" cried the lambs as I chased them around the paddock.
We had to catch them because their mother died. The dogs killed her.

My Nana buried the sheep while my sister helped me catch the lambs so we could take care of them. We had to take them to the farm house. My Nana and my Papa looks after the lambs by feeding them.

I hope they find the dogs before they kill another sheep.

By Kaayla Hart Wikaere 

Mini Golf with Mum by Lindsay

Mini Golf with Mum

"Yay!" I shouted when Mum told me we were going to play golf.

It was a sunny Saturday morning and Grant, mum and I went to golf.

I hit the ball softly because I wanted it to go into the hole. The ball rolled slowly towards the hole. 
"Please go in the hole" I whispered to the ball. The ball almost went in.

I hope we go back there again so I keep trying to get the ball into the hole.

By Lindsay Ashby

My Reward by Manning

My Reward

"Hurry up" said Dad. I had to fill up the pig kai bins with bread, pie scraps, bagels, a bag of crisps, apple cores, black banana peels and rotten oranges. Yuck!

It was a sunny Saturday morning, my whanau and I were selling pig kai so we can get money for food. My job was to fill up the bins and put them into the truck. My dad put heavy bags into the truck too. 

It took us two whole hours. We were so tired but finally we finished. "Come on, get on the quad" said Troy. I quickly jumped on the quad before Troy zoomed away. 

"Yahoo" I yelled as the wind blew in my face. I like doing my jobs because I get to ride the quad. I can't wait until Tommy is older so he can do my chores.

By Manning Huirama-Moore

Biking with Nixon by Marcellus

Biking with Nixon

I was so excited that Nixon was at my house for a sleep over during the holidays.

It was a sunny afternoon so we went for a bike ride. We raced to the end of our road and back again. Nixon was the fastest because he had a BMX bike and I had a rusty old bike. He is very hard to beat, but I can waste him at sprinting.

Eventually we got tired. Our legs were sore, the sweat was dripping down our cheeks and we were exhausted. My tummy was rumbling so we decided to go home.

"Mum we are home" I yelled as I walked into the house. We headed for the food cupboard and ate spaghetti on toast. It was delicious!

What an awesome day I had with Nixon. I hope we can do this again during the next holidays.

By Marcellus Waha